Cyber Security & brand protection
From UK HMG / Military & Microsoft our partners and team have unique knowledge of cyber risks and methods to defend against cybercriminals. Reducing your risk and exposure with a personalised touch.
Services available
Brand Protection
VIP & Influencer Services
Executive Services
Sports Personalities
Event Digital Protection
VIP & Executive Event’s / Conference
Sports Events
Music Events
Incident response retainer
External Risk Monitoring
GDPR & Privacy
We specialise in providing GDPR consultancy services tailored to your business needs. our approach involved assigning a dedicated privacy expert to your organisation, ensuring they are well-versed in your industry specific challenges. This Expert will serve as your primary contact for all GDPR related matters
Merger & Acquisition (M&A)
Cysafe can help you uncover hidden Cyber threats in M&A Deals. We specialize in pre-emptive assessments for M&A candidates, spotlighting red flags before they escalate. Secure your next big move with our expert insights.
Our due diligence services are not just assessments; they're your cyber compass in the complex M&A landscape. From evaluating a target company's cyber health to protecting your security stature and reputation, CySafe guides you every step of the way.
Risk Assessments: Pre and Post M&A isn't just a business decision; it's a cyber journey. Unveil the full spectrum of potential cyber risks with our comprehensive pre-transaction and post-transaction evaluations. Don't let cyber threats undermine your M&A success.
Post-Transaction: Cyber Resilience Roadmap
Cyber Litigation Support
Consultancy Services
Work with us
167-169 | Great Portland Street | 5th Floor | London | W1W 5PF
0333 772 9321